Monday, February 11, 2013


For Nigeria and other African countries to join the league of developed economics, the growth -retarding challenges within the region should be addressed frontally, on a note of urgency, former Nigeria president has said. Specifically, Obasanjo stressed that adequate provision of food security,health services and gender equality need to be put on the front burner of the economic repositioning by Africa leader.Obasanjo said this at the launch of the Obasanjo Foundation in London,at the weekend .At the launch, which was withnessed by president Goodluck Jonathan,and his counterparts from Ghana,Liberia and Benin Republic,Obasanjo said these challenges,which are impending economic growth of the continent will be addressed through the feed Africa initiative,girl education,youth empowerment ,and employment,as well as health improvement initiative under the foundation.The foundation is aimed in advancing human security in Africa within the context of tackling critical problem in thr areas of food,economy,health and security,as well as gender equality.

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